Sophie Peters
Sophie Peters

Black Feminist Killjoy Reading Group
From Sara Ahmed’s feministkilljoys blog
Are told you are angry no matter what you say
Witness people’s eyes rolling as soon as you open your mouth as if to say: ‘oh here she goes!’
Are angry because that’s a sensible response to what is wrong
Are often accused of getting in the way of the happiness of others (or just getting in the way)
Have ruined the atmosphere by turning up or speaking up
Have a body that reminds people of histories they find disturbing
Are willing to make disturbance a political cause
Are willing to cause unhappiness to follow your desire
Will not laugh at jokes designed to cause offense
Will take offense when it is there to be taken
Will point out when men cite men about men as a learned social habit that is diminishing (ie. most or usual citational practice)
Will notice and name whiteness. Will keep noticing and naming whiteness.
Will use words like ‘sexism’ and ‘racism’ even if that means being heard as the cause of bad feeling (and are willing to cause bad feeling)
Will refuse to look away from what compromises happiness
Are willing to be silly and display other inappropriate positive affects
Are willing to listen and learn from the work of feminists over time and refuse the caricatures of feminism and feminists that enables a disengagement from feminism
Are prepared to be other peoples’ worst feminist nightmare
Are prepared to be called a kill joy
Are willing to kill joy?
If you are interested in exploring fictional and non-fictional cultural practices of women killjoys of colour from around the globe – in order to think through our own lives, this reading group is for you. We meet every second Friday in the Department of Fine Art at Wits University. Friends from outside our department and field are most welcome (for the Rhodes University BFK group please email us for details as well). For readings email Prof Sharlene Khan: